Achieving Financial Wellness

Its raining money

What does financial wellness mean to you? Does it mean not living paycheck to paycheck? Does it mean having a little extra cash each month to spend on dinners out, the newest fashion and weekly Friday night happy hour? Or does it mean having the luxury to vacation annually anywhere in the world?

Financial wellness means something different to everyone, but the one key factor that applies to everyone is the need to manage our money so that we can live life without overspending and overextending our financial means. It’s never too late to take a step back, reevaluate your spending and living costs and come up with a plan that will lead you to financial stability.

Here are tips you can easily incorporate into your life that will allow you to achieve the financial wellness you desire!

1) Create a budget – The very first step to achieve financial wellness is to develop a budget that contains your monthly income and living expenses.

2) Automate your savings – Before you spend a single cent of your earnings, have your savings auto drafted to an account. If possible, set aside at least 10% of your income. If 10% is too much, don’t sweat it. Put as much as you can in, but do it every paycheck, automatically. It’s also a good idea to put any extra income – like bonuses or income tax refunds – into this account too!

3) Cut unnecessary expenses – Limit your surplus spending. Eating and drinking out is often the main culprit. How about that daily coffee that costs $5? That’s $150 per month in unnecessary spending. Do you need all those cable channels? Or how about that gym membership? If you’re only going once per month anyway, it makes sense to pay by the visit and save the difference.

4) Carry cash – Pay in cash when possible. Swiping plastic does not have the same realization as to what you are spending as handing over cash.

5) Plan for major purchases – Sticking to your budget means not splurging on a new flat screen TV or laptop on a whim. If you intend to buy something expensive, add it to your budget plan and save. This way you’ll be able to purchase it without using credit (and paying additional finance charges).

6) Plan for your retirement – It’s never too early – or too late for that matter – to start planning for your retirement. There are many options, including money market accounts that can exponentially increase your contributions. Seek out advice on how to best meet your future needs.

7) Get tax advice – Finally, if you’re not good with numbers and finances but you want to learn how to achieve financial wellness and you’re looking for a CPA in Hawaii, Michael J. Yuda CPA, LLC can help!