Financial New Year’s Resolutions

dollar-163473_640Did you make New Year’s resolutions this year? Were they related to your financial health and well-being? As we finish up the first month of 2015, many of us seem to have abandoned our resolutions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reinstate those resolutions, and secure a healthier financial life. Here are some helpful ways to keep your financial resolutions in the New Year:

  • Set specific, measureable, realistic, and attainable goals! Creating a broad goal like paying off all debt, or just simply saving money is a recipe for failure. Making goals like saving $200 per month or $5,000 this year are more attainable and easier to maintain.
  • It’s important to figure out how much you can actually save per month. Calculate your monthly costs and income to figure out a number that you can put away and still be able to live day to day.
  • Revisit your goals often and adjust as needed. Every so often, it’s important to take a step back and see how you’ve been doing with meeting and maintaining your goals. It’s important to adjust your goals as needed, to ensure you can actually reach them.
  • Review things like your 401(k), meet with a CPA, and review retirement plan contributions to help ensure a financially healthier life beyond the New Year. There might be things you can be doing that will help you save more money.

When you’re in need of financial guidance, visit the premier CPA in Hawaii! Request an appointment with Michael J. Yuda, CPA, LLC in Honolulu, Hawaii today!