Reasons to Save Money!

You’ve probably heard it time and time again, but saving money could be one of the most important things you can do in your life. There are a variety of great reasons as to why saving money is a great long term decision. You may or may not have enough money to pay for everything you need now, but taking the initiative to save money is never a bad idea. Here are a few great reasons to start saving now!


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  • Emergency: It’s a great idea to set a fund aside to cover unexpected expenses that may arise. Surprise expenses like car repairs, sudden job loss, and medical emergencies are things that can happen, and having an emergency surplus of cash handy is a smart way to ensure you’ll be able to handle the hardships.
  • Retirement: The sooner you begin saving money for retirement, the less you will have to save in the future. Starting a retirement fund early is a great way to build financial stability in your older years. It’s a wise decision to contribute up to what your employer matches, and then gradually contribute more of your gross income.
  • Buying a House: Saving money to make a down payment on a house could be one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. If you’re able to save enough to pay the down payment up front, you can cut out the stress of loans and avoid high interest rates.
  • Education: Whether hoping to obtain a master’s or doctorate degree, or send your children to college, saving now is a great way to guarantee you don’t lose your shirt with student loans and high tuition prices.

There are many different reasons to save money! If you’re unsure on how to handle your finances, consider seeking out a CPA! If you’re looking for a CPA in Hawaii, don’t hesitate to contact Michael J. Yuda today!